Spell to find peace in this busy world…

By: Green Witch
Posted: 19th February 2020

A spell to find peace in this busy world… Life in the 21stcentury is busy and stressful, whether it is your job, family commitments, living in a noisy neighbourhood or all 3, and never getting a minute’s peace in your day. I know because I have tried to get this newsletter going since late August but just don’t get 5 minutes peace for my head to think straight…so am beginning it again just days before it should be out…and hope the day is peaceful enough to finish it… So here is a little spell to try and bring some respite to your life… You will need: purple candle, 2 x tealights, Peace or Water incense, 1 x sheet Paper and a purple pen 1 x amethyst tumble. On a new or waxing moon, light the incense and find some quiet. Light the tealights either side of the purple candle and then the purple candle. Cleanse the amethyst in the incense and hold in your hand. In the candle light, focus on what you need to happen to make your life more peaceful and harmonious. What will bring peace into your life? With the purple pen, write a list of things that will promote peace in your life. Once complete, place the note under the purple candle, sit the stone on the paper next to the candle, and allow it to burn down (if it is too big, snuff it out and continue the next evening). Once fully burned down, attach the list to the back of a mirror on a wall somewhere in your home, and let the peace reflect into your life and home. Carry the stone as a calm reminder.

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